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Frequently Asked Questions

Let us start by saying that this is your Ayahuasca ceremony and therefore it is really dependent on the preparation you put into it. There is a lot that goes into properly preparing for your ceremony, by both the Taita, his helpers and you. Correctly preparing for your Ayahuasca experience is crucial to ensure you get the most from the medicine.

Here we share some information with hope you have a better understanding as to how to prepare both mentally and physically. The best Ayahuasca preparation you can do for yourself is to have clear intentions, to release your expectations, and to clean your body, both physically and energetically, by abstaining from certain things prior to your ceremony.

No two ceremonies are the same and no experience is the same, regardless if this is your first time working with the medicine or not. Please start by realizing that what you read, see, view or hear, you and your ceremony will not always reflect any expectations or stories. This is your journey, your healing, your personal connection.

There is no one like you in this world and so prepare for a truly unique awakening and experience.

All participants need to be registered on the website. If you have previously attended, you can log in to the website and register freely if you like. If you haven’t attended before, you’ll need to fill out the application form.


After you complete your application, it will be reviewed by one of our staff.  A staff member will call you to review your medical history.  Your application will not be approved without this phone call, please make sure to put a valid phone number on your application.  
We believe everyone should have access to the remedy and the purpose of the application is not to deny anyone.  We do, however, want to make sure you are properly informed, as well as make sure that we are aware of any possible issues that may arise and how best to navigate them. Your safety and that of the entire group are dependent on you answering the questions truthfully and completly. 

Ayahuasca can affect blood pressure, so we need to be very cautious. You must disclose your condition to us, even if your blood pressure is controlled by medication. Taking ayahuasca can result in a spike in your blood pressure resulting in serious medical conditions including stroke.

We will give you a reduced dosage of ayahuasca for your entire retreat. The elders believe that even the smallest amount of medicine can be of benefit.

You should be attending retreat for therapeutic and healing benefits. You may or may not experience “visions”, but this is not what brings the healing benefits. It is your responsibility as well to monitor your condition throughout the retreat, and be respectful of the dosage given to you by the elder.

It can be very dangerous to mix The Medicine with SSRI and other types of antidepressants. It can cause sometimes serious reactions up to stroke. On occasion, this class of drugs is also prescribed by doctors for other conditions, for example, seizures or pain treatment. If you are unsure about whether your medications are considered dangerous please contact us.

We will give you a reduced dosage of ayahuasca for your entire retreat. The elders believe that even the smallest amount of medicine can be of benefit. You should be attending retreat for therapeutic and healing benefits. You may or may not experience “visions”, but this is not what brings the healing benefits. It is your responsibility as well to monitor your condition throughout the retreat, and be respectful of the dosage given to you by the elder.

Unfortunately yes. There are very strong cultural traditions regarding the relationship between the medicine and the female menstrual cycle.

In Colombia, the female cycle is a sacred time in which a woman has an intense relationship with energy and the spirits. That relationship involves a purge or cleansing that replaces the need for medicine.

We recommend that you try to plan your retreat at an appropriate time. We do however understand that this is not always easy.  We do not ban anyone from attendance.

We do not serve The Medicine to women who are pregnant or are currently breastfeeding.

According to the traditions here in Colombia, men are not allowed to drink the Remedy 2 months before or after the birth of his child.

We have a zero-tolerance policy for drug or alcohol use during the retreat. Guests found using alcohol or drugs during the retreat will be asked to leave.

According to Colombian elders, Marijuana and Ayahuasca are not “friends”. You should refrain from using marijuana for as long as possible before retreat to achieve the best results.

In addition to the dieta and other restrictions, the best way to prepare for ceremony is to focus on your intentions, your questions for the medicine and your reasons for seeking her out. This will guide your experience to receive profound results.

You can have several questions or reasons for your ceremony, focusing on one specific intention each night. Commencing the diet as early as possible ahead of the ceremony is also a way of focusing your mind towards the ceremony itself. This in itself is mental preparation, as well as physical.

No recreational drugs including medical marijuana for at least one week prior. No alcohol for a minimum of 48 hours prior. Avoid sexual contact for a minimum of 48 hours prior.
The best diet is to eat light vegetarian food for 3 days before and after the Ayahuasca ceremony, with moderate-low levels of salt, sugar and fat. DO NOT FAST THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY OF YOUR RETREAT. Remember: NO red/heavy meats – NO Pork – NO strong alcohol, beer, wine – NO garlic or onions – Moderate consumption of salt and sugar/honey – 3 days before and after your ceremony dates. Ensure you are well hydrated, but please avoid drinking too much water directly before or during Ayahuasca ceremonies. There is a lot of information on the internet about the dieta; we believe in what we are sharing right here. Please keep in mind that most of what you read about on the internet is not written by the Elders.
This food regime helps to remove the influence of toxins and various unqualified energies that can cause blockages in the physical and energetic body. By restricting certain foods you eat, before, during, and after your use of Ayahuasca, you are allowing the plant medicine to be more effective. Ayahuasca, both physically and energetically, remains in your body for months following your diet. Many insights and teachings will continue to unfold following your retreat experience. Thus, holding true to the post-diet restrictions greatly facilitates this process. Also note that crossing your energies through sex, alcohol, or drugs too soon after diet or Ayahuasca in general can lead to undesirable results.
This varies on the location we are in, you can see the attendance limit in the box on the event page. Typically our retreats are about 30-35 participants, with up to 10 staff members. If you would rather participate in a smaller retreat, you are welcome to join us here in Colombia where retreats have a maximum of 15 people.

In addition to the dieta and other restrictions, the best way to prepare for ceremony is to focus on your intentions, your questions for the medicine and your reasons for seeking her out. This will guide your experience to receive profound results. You can have several questions or reasons for your ceremony, focusing on one specific intention each night. Commencing the diet as early as possible ahead of the ceremony is also a way of focusing your mind towards the ceremony itself. This in itself is mental preparation, as well as physical.

In Colombia, Yagé ceremonies last all night. We start with what we call “The Circle of Word” where we discuss topics chosen by the elders. We may utilize Rapé, Mambe and Ambil during this time. We drink twice during the night, with therapies performed in between. Sometime after the second cup, the musicians will be begin to play, completing the ceremony around dawn or later. A second cup is optional. 
We recommend that once you decide to attend ceremony, that you stop reading or watching things about the Remedy. You need to come to ceremony with an open heart and mind. When you watch and read about other peoples’ experiences, you will inevitably create many expectations for your own ceremony. You want this to be your experience, and not miss out and what the medicine wants to show YOU.
You are welcome to sleep through the ceremony, though you may miss what the medicine has to share with you. We will not wake you up, though if you are snoring we will let you know. Most folks find that their bodies do not require as much sleep as normal when working with the Medicine. We rest during the day.
Comfort is key and so we suggest you wear warm and comfortable clothing for the ceremony, white or light colored clothing is preferred. Please bring an extra set of clothes in case of an accident.
For security reasons, we will not send the address of the retreat until the night before ceremony. Retreats are located within 20 minutes or so of the city listed on the event description. There is no need for anyone to have this information before the event. Also, please be mindful to not share this information with others when you do receive the directions.
Please pack light as space is very limited. Please read our recommendations below (you can click to download):
Please do not bring the following items to ceremony:
    • Recording devices,
    • pets,
    • Unregistered friends or spouses.
    • Drugs.
    • Weapons.
    • Flame candles.
    • Scented products. Aluminium or glass water bottles.
    • A negative attitude
We have limited space on retreats based on the building’s capacity, and they always sell out.
When you reserve a space for yourself, that means that someone else cannot take it. For this reason, we are seeking those who are committed fully to participating.
When you reserve a space, not only are you making a commitment to us, you are making a spiritual commitment to the medicine as well. Your work with the medicine starts the minute you enrol.
Please show respect for us, the Elders and the medicine by honoring your commitments. Our cancellation policy is clearly displayed, it is not hidden or vague. Please make sure you agree to these terms before reserving your space.
We like to plan ahead and typically have the entire year scheduled ahead of time.
We only allow registration for one round of retreats at a time. Registration typically begins about 2 months before the event. You can be notified when new retreats are announced by signing up for the mailing list. If you would like to know the dates of future events, please contact us.
We have only limited physical space for our retreats. We cannot fit any more than we can fit. We are sorry, we would love to be able to help as many people as want to come, but it is just not possible.
Please pack light as we are a nature resort and large wheeled suitcases are difficult to manage on our trails.

We have everything you need here, towels, blankets pillows, cots for ceremony, mud boots if needed.

It may get chilly in the Maloka at night, please make sure to bring some long plants and a light jacket.

Make sure to bring a swimsuit.  A headlamp would be great to have, as would a light rain jacket.

You will need to fly into MDE Medellin airport.  We recommend that folks plan on arriving during the day.

We can arrange for a driver to be waiting for you upon your arrival.  Taxi service costs about $XX from the airport, and we will try to connect you with others arriving around the same time.

There is bus service to the farm, this can take a few hours, let us know if you would like instructions.

Yes, we have Wi-Fi available in our main lodge.
No. There are no vaccinations necessary to visit us here at the farm.
We do have bugs here, though we are not deep in the Jungle it is very tropical here.  Mosquitoes seem to be worse in the drier months.  We have all-natural bug repellent available for you to use here at the farm. There have been some sightings of snakes, though they are very afraid of us.

The only one to watch out for is the goose.  Gus is a jerk.

We do have cats and dogs on the property, if you have allergies, please bring the appropriate medication.

We’d love to host your group here at the farm!  Email us for details.
Absolutely not. Medicine should only be administered by trained elders with experience. We would never recommend that anyone take medicine alone, or that they purchase on the internet.
Our Medicines are prepared in the Amazon by the respective Taita leading the ceremony, according to the sacred traditions outlined by their ancestors. We use only the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Chacruna.

Under no circumstances are untrained or unauthorized individuals permitted to be in contact with the medicine during preparation. No group participants are permitted to prepare medicine.

There are only a handful of churches in America that have been given the official right to serve the medicine to their congregation.

This includes the UDV in New Mexico, and a couple of official branches of the Santo Daime. These churches fought very hard for their rights, and we are grateful to them. There are no other legal ways to take the medicine in the US. Membership churches, Native American Churches, none of these are legal.

We, like many other groups operating in the US, believe that like the Santo Daime and the UDV we would be granted the same legal rights to the medicine. Right now, applications for exemption are not being processed by the government.

We have been sharing medicine in the US for over 4 years without any incidents.
We make no promises of legality and you should be wary of anyone who does so. It is up to you to decide what is right for you in your situation. If you are very worried, we would recommend that you travel to Colombia, Mexico, Peru, or the other many countries where the medicine has been given full legal status.

The funds generated from our retreats help the tribes and indigenous communities in Colombia. We work with the Siona, Cofan, and Arhuaco tribes, and send much needed support for their communities, and families of the elders. Because of this, we do not offer any discounts or scholarships. We are waiting right now for approval of our US 5013c in order to better help those in need here in Colombia. If you would like to help, or having been looking for a way to donate that goes directly to those in need, please contact us.
No. We do not allow anyone on site that is not a registered participant. To protect the energy of the group it is important that all in attendance are participating in taking the medicine.
Thank you for your interest, but only those that have attended retreats with us in the US or Colombia will be considered for such a volunteer position. If we feel like you might be a good fit to be a helper, we will ask you.
We all live in Colombia and love our lives here. We come to the US only for retreats, and only during scheduled times. We have a very full schedule and cannot add any more locations to our line up which is currently Southern California and Colorado. We do not offer private ceremonies in the US.

We would be happy to accommodate you here in Colombia. We do not offer private retreats for your group in the US, though we would be happy to host that for you here at the Origen EcoResort in Colombia.

We do not know anyone in the US that we can recommend.

We often say that the real ceremony begins after the actual experiences with the medicine. And sometimes the experiences can be difficult to understand, or—even if experienced with clarity—challenging to integrate into your daily life and being. For this, we are compiling a list of integration coaches who can help you on your journey. Feel free to reach out to any one of them to receive assistance. 

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When Will I Get the Address to the Retreat?
For security reasons, we will not send the address of the retreat until the night before ceremony. Retreats are located within 20 minutes or so of the city listed on the event description. There is no need for anyone to have this information before the event. Also, please be mindful to not share this information with others when you do receive the directions.

All scheduled events are posted on the website, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have about those retreats.

If you would like to be notified of future retreats please sign up for our mailing list we promise not to spam you!.

We have only limited physical space for our retreats. We cannot fit any more than we can fit. We are sorry, we would love to be able to help as many people as want to come, but it is just not possible.
There are only a handful of churches in America that have been given the official right to serve the medicine to their congregation. This includes the UDV in New Mexico, and a couple of official branches of the Santo Daime. These churches fought very hard for their rights, and we are grateful to them. There are no other legal ways to take the medicine in the US. Membership churches, Native American Churches, none of these are legal.  We make no promises of legality and you should be wary of anyone who does so. It is up to you to decide what is right for you in your situation. If you are very worried, we would recommend that you travel to Colombia, Peru, or the other countries where the medicine has been given full legal status.  At this time, there is increased attention on medicine work all over the globe, and we feel it is not currently safe to be offering medicine in places where it is not legal.
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If you would like a phone call, please send us a message with the best contact number and times to reach you. We will try our best to contact you within 3 working days depending on our retreat and travel schedule.

“We are not humans seeking a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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